Woman walking in warehouse

Best Warehouse Management System

If you are scrolling through websites and trying to figure out which warehouse management system is the best for your application, you may be getting tangled up in all the details and promises that each company declares when you click on its site. Deciding which warehouse management system will be best for you takes some deep exploration into your specific …

Frazier Automated Storage Retrieval System

The Vertical Storage Concept

They say necessity is the mother of invention and it seems that every time there is a new need, somebody will come along with an invention to answer that need. So it is with the material handling and DC warehouse industry’s need to find vertical storage solutions. As property became more expensive and harder to find, the material handling world …

two forklifts in warehouse

A New Vision for Fleet Management

It’s a traditional phrase that’s appropriate at the beginning of every year – out with the old, in with the new. People come up with sayings like this to illustrate how they fesel about new starts and new opportunities. It’s a time to retool and think about how you can make a better go of it in this brand-new year. …

Forklifts moving in a warehouse

Got Forklift Fleet Data. Now What?

The short answer is: You can apply this information across the board to help you keep track of your fleet’s management, whereabouts and usage. You’ll have access to information you’ve never had before – information that will help you boost productivity and efficiency in your material handling or distribution center warehouse applications. Let’s explore how all that works.

Robots with boxes in a warehouse

Robotics & Automation – More Than a Fad

In 2020, the world shifted in ways we never expected. The pandemic saw the material handling and distribution center warehouse industry tackling supply chain disruptions at the same time a huge boon in e-commerce began. Meanwhile, already-existing issues like labor shortages became even more apparent.